23 Marzo / 1 Aprile
Ad Alghero, durante i giorni della settimana Santa, nel suggestivo spazio espositivo della Torre Sulis, si sono accese le luci su “Trilogie”, la mia prima mostra personale del 2024.

L’esposizione è staa ideata come un percorso in opere che attraversa alcuni intimi particolari dell’anima di un intero popolo. Sei serie, ciascuna composta da tre dipinti, convergono in un connubio di fede, tradizione, libertà e fierezza, che silenziosamente si adagia su secoli di storia della Sardegna.

Costantemente in viaggio per l’Europa, ho esposto per la prima volta le mie opere ad Alghero, la città in cui circa 6 anni fa tutto ha avuto inizio.
Horses and Freedom
The horses, like the winds, run free caressing a wild land. The light illuminates the clouds of dust that fill the air with fine golden glows.

And you cannot help but admire the perfection, in a moment of wonderful and unstoppable beauty.
There is an exact moment when an idea materializes in our mind, rising from the depths of our soul and for the first time it becomes concrete, we realize its presence, its existence.

It is the moment when the first glows and lights gently caress its surface and show it to our eyes.

Genesis are works of light.
A family that has marked the history of humanity, but at the same time of shocking modernity.

A mother stands before the cross, while her son with absolute firmness carries forward his ideals, his mission on earth. A father who loves and supports his son.
Traditional Sardinian Clothes
I do not want a precise description of the traditional dress, rather I aspire to highlight the people who feel the traditional dress is an essential component of their being.

I portray the emotions of those who have worn the traditional dress since they were children, who carry within them the gestures of dressing as rituals handed down from mother to daughter. I depict the emotion of being part of a costume, understood as the tradition of an entire island.
Dress of Sarule
Threads of gold that fill the air with light embroidering emotions deep and sense of belonging to an ancient land.

A headgear with an uncommon, unique cut, as if to emphasize the idea that difference unites and that particularities include.

We are all children of the same history.
Sea and Sails
We are children of an island surrounded by the sea.
We are an element of a land lashed by the wind.
We are like sails.